Are you looking for a Texas parliamentarian? Do you have questions about parliamentary procedure? If yes, let Texas State Association of Parliamentarians help you find a Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP) or Registered Parliamentarian (RP) who can assist you.

  • A PRP is a credentialed consultant who can advise your organization, its leaders, members, committees, and staff on parliamentary law and proper procedures for conducting effective and efficient meetings.
  • An RP is a credentialed parliamentarian who can assist with questions and most tasks you may need. Use this directory to locate a parliamentarian by name, specialty, and/or location in Texas. (Note: Many of these can operate out of state as well, but if you’re wanting to search across the US for a parliamentarian, then you can Find-A-Parliamentarian (PRP’s only) on the National Association of Parliamentarians Website.
[HINT: Please spell out the names to search by “State Residing In” as the form does not recognize abbreviations. Select multiple entries by pressing CTRL (PC) or CMD (MAC) and clicking on the desired entries.]
NOTE: Texas Association of Parliamentarians (TSAP) does not act as an agent for the parliamentarians listed and certifies only that they are a current member who has met the knowledge and professional development requirements necessary to attain designations as Professional Registered Parliamentarian® or Registered Parliamentarian® in the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP). Any and all terms of employment should be negotiated between the client and the parliamentarian.

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