Each year, the members of TSAP can review the most current version of our bylaws and standing rules and submit proposals to amend them if they find provisions which they believe can be improved.  In fact, the Bylaws provide that the Board of Directors, committees, and units as well as members can submit such proposals.  The first thing you will want to do is read the bylaws as they were amended at the April 2022 TSAP convention.  You can find the current TSAP Bylaws and Standing Rules at texasparliamentarians.org by clicking on “About Us” and then the Governing Documents drop down tab, or click here: https://texasparliamentarians.org/governing-documents/

This year’s TSAP Bylaws Committee includes members Bennyfer Bridgewater, PRP, Vicky Fransham, Sheryl Womble, PRP, and Libby Willis, PRP, Chairman.  This fall the committee will review each bylaws amendment proposal and make a recommendation about each.  You will want to submit bylaws amendment proposals on this form.

Please e-mail the form to submit a bylaws or standing rules amendment proposal to bylaws@texasparliamentarians.org no later than 5 p.m. on Saturday, January 28, 2023.

A copy of all bylaws and standing rule amendment proposals submitted by the deadline will be published in the Texas Parliamentarian Call to Convention issue prior to the convention.  Before the delegates at the convention consider the amendment proposals, there will be a Bylaws Forum to go over each proposed amendment.

If you have questions about the TSAP Bylaws or Standing Rules amendment proposal process, please e-mail me at bylaws@texasparliamentarians.org. The committee and I will be happy to answer your questions!

Libby Willis, PRP
Bylaws Committee Chair, 2022-23