I am pleased to be the 2018-2019 President of the Texas State Association of Parliamentarians (TSAP) and to be able to continue working with all our members to provide the best support to make your parliamentarian journey successful. The TSAP and NAP, as well as, local units’ resources are vast and the opportunities to attend local programs are many. TSAP and NAP provides on-demand education, in-person events, as well as other delivery systems to learn. That is just the start.

TSAP just builds on these and provides more in-person events, the best annual formal gathering, and enough opportunities to obtain all your parliamentarian education. While you may find yourself only occasionally attending programs, there are many opportunities to get even more involved in local units or TSAP. Join a committee, attend, or connect with a with a workshop and share your knowledge as a speaker.

I started out getting more involved by joining, then joined the board and moved up from board member, First, Second, and Third Vice Presidents and then President. Along the way I also participated many TSAP events as a board member. I would not be here if not for the great efforts and thousands of hours contributed by all the terrific volunteers that came before me, especially our immediate Past President Sheryl Womble, PRP!

I have been an in-Association management for most of my career and can’t imagine how I would manage in my current role as President of TSAP without all the resources available to me through NAP, TSAP, local units and various of other Association Management events I attend. I encourage you to not only attend our events, but also to go to someone you haven’t seen before and introduce yourself to them. These connections quickly become supportive colleagues to turn to when you face a new parliamentarian challenge. I encourage you to learn even more about TSAP by exploring our web page, including seeing all the members of our board and our upcoming events. If you have any questions, this is the place to go to learn how to contact a board member, committee chair, or myself with any questions.

I am looking forward to a great 2018-2019 with all you.