News and Articles
TSAP’s Bylaws Revision Committee to discuss proposed revision to TSAP’s Bylaws in April Forum
For the first time in decades, TSAP will consider a revision to the TSAP Bylaws. This process will consider a complete rewrite of the Bylaws, as if they are brand new. Most years, a Board of Directors Bylaws Committee fields requests from members and officers for...
We’ve crossed the 500-member mark!!!
TSAP reached an important milestone this month with topping 500 members TSAPs 3rd Vice President, Cherise Story, has provided the monthly membership statistics for September and they're great. We've crossed the 500-member mark!!! A major goal of Texas State...
Time to Reflect as a Parliamentarian
We are in the midst of the Holiday season and many of us celebrated Thanksgiving with Christmas and New Year’s just around the corner. This year I have many more things to be thankful for. Being able to finally get an opportunity to catch up with family that I have...
Building and Sustaining Parliamentary Leaders through Education, Engagement and Transformation
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and concerns, the Texas State Association of Parliamentarians Annual Convention will be virtual. This year has been a challenge to all of us but we are overcoming. Just as the units have conducted business at a distance, so will the annual...
Learn to be a Treasurer
Finance & Treasurer Workshop Did you ever want to try your hand at being a Treasurer? Got elected Treasurer for your TSAP Unit or another organization? If they only knew what a mistake that might be making! But you can prove them wrong. Or prove yourself wrong!...
Pamela Harmon, Parliamentarian of the Year
Meet the TSAP 2022 Parliamentarian of the Year, Pamela Harmon, PRP, of The Sounding Block Unit! Harmon has served as the unit’s secretary for the past four years and currently serves as the vice-president. She was the 2020-2021 Publicity Chairman, and she currently...
Professionalism is a Cornerstone of Being a Parliamentarian
Professionalism is a cornerstone of being a parliamentarian. Every member of our organization needs to be looking at setting the highest standards for themselves and for their communities. Making sure we adhere to our responsibilities to fairness and equity in...
Texas parliamentarians hold the annual 2024 convention
Texas parliamentarians from around Texas and across the nation are meeting in Spring, Texas this weekend (April 26-28) for the annual TSAP Convention. Parliamentarians from Texas will study parliamentary law in workshops, hold the annual business meeting, elect...
Parliamentarians as FCCLA Evaluators
If it is springtime in Texas, it must be time for the STAR (Students, Taking, Action with Recognition) events for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Members of the Golden Triangle Unit, Tracy Fiers, RP, and Kathy Blair, RP, attended the Region III...
Welcome to a New Year of Parliamentary Excellence for TSAP
Fellow Parliamentarians, it is a great honor to be able to serve as your President. I would like to thank our immediate Past President Vernon Gray, PRP, for his great strength and fortitude in keeping the organization moving forward during perhaps one of our most...