News and Articles

Time to Reflect as a Parliamentarian

We are in the midst of the Holiday season and many of us celebrated Thanksgiving with Christmas and New Year’s just around the corner.  This year I have many more things to be thankful for. Being able to finally get an opportunity to catch up with family that I have...

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Learn to be a Treasurer

Finance & Treasurer Workshop Did you ever want to try your hand at being a Treasurer?  Got elected Treasurer for your TSAP Unit or another organization? If they only knew what a mistake that might be making!  But you can prove them wrong. Or prove yourself wrong!...

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Pamela Harmon, Parliamentarian of the Year

Meet the TSAP 2022 Parliamentarian of the Year, Pamela Harmon, PRP, of The Sounding Block Unit! Harmon has served as the unit’s secretary for the past four years and currently serves as the vice-president. She was the 2020-2021 Publicity Chairman, and she currently...

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Parliamentarians as FCCLA Evaluators

If it is springtime in Texas, it must be time for the STAR (Students, Taking, Action with Recognition) events for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Members of the Golden Triangle Unit, Tracy Fiers, RP, and Kathy Blair, RP, attended the Region III...

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